Cargo nets for fire truck hose beds help save lives when designed and used properly. We’ve designed some new size for the hose beds up on top of the rigs, including the following sizes. The 17″ new size goes side to side, while the 76″ wide nets go front to back. Each net is equipped […]
Why you need a Gladiator Cargo Net for your Truck or SUV
The Gladiator Cargo Net or Gladiator Net was on my mind while leaving Los Angeles this morning driving North on the US 101. I saw a truck ahead of me without a cargo net at all, traveling in a slower lane, that seemed to have a problem with how he had secured his luggage to […]
How to Keep Your Family Safe while Driving During the Holidays
There are several things you should know about driving during the holidays or in bad weather. You can’t be too careful, first of all. Not only are there more inexperienced drivers traveling in unfamiliar areas visiting family on the road, there are sometimes unknown obstacles or hazards that you may not see or be aware […]
Digger Derrick T-40 Box and Tail Shaft Custom Cargo Net
Howdy All You Digger Derrick Truck Enthusiasts and truckers who just don’t know what that freaky lookin’ truck is out there: We would like to introduce the new custom 4×8′ Gladiator Cargo Net for Digger Derrick Trucks with T-40 Box and Tail Shaft area. Of course it can be used for a multitude of […]