Truck, Trailer & Van Cargo Nets as well as other applications, will be highlighted in our new website, coming in approximately 4 months. At this time we’re in the initial development stages. The RFQ was sent out, responded to and ripped apart by the way, and we appreciate wholeheartedly the work that has been put into this business on all fronts for so many years by so many. It’s been quite a ride and a huge learning experience for many involved.
Now, it’s time to make some changes in order to adapt to the current challenges that we all face as small businesses. And that is, to specialize in cargo nets for any application for which there are a plethora, and we’ll be concentrating our efforts around automotive namely truck, trailer and van cargo nets.
Not only do we custom design, manufacture and sell our own nets for the truck, trailer and van, we also cover many other applications, basically anything you can imagine yourself using a cargo net for. We’ve done nets for pretty much every scenario you could imagine, some of which we can’t post on the internet for IP reasons. We’ve done nets for planes, boats, semis, trailers, pickup trucks, dump trucks, fire trucks, garbage trucks, government, military, oil & gas, industrial, entertainment, TV and the list goes on and on.
I think the coolest net we ever designed/made was for a shark sling for the Ocean Research Foundation in San Leandro. It was a project that was really satisfying because we got to see the net in action. Although we can’t show you the drawing, we can show you the net in action. They specifically requested that we use red webbing in the designated locations.
Okay, I’m off on a tangent. All the products that you currently see on will disappear, except for the CargoCatch Pickup Truck Bed Organizer and any other products using netted material. Our customers will still be able to purchase any automotive accessories from us on another website we’re building, but that will come later. In the interim, if you want any other specific products for your truck or other vehicle, we can order it if you call in, or, you can wait for our other website to be launched.
The nets that we sell for trucks, trailers and vans will not only expand in selcction, but there will also be many new designs, a lot of which you may have never seen before anywhere.
Graham Custom Truck & pride themselves on providing superior customer service a phone call away in conjunction with utilizing only the best and the brightest in the industry coupled with superior materials.
Need a custom cargo net for your application? Call or email us today. 619.761.0716 or
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CargoCatch Current