Cargo Nets for Fire Truck Hose Beds Help Save Lives

Cargo nets for fire truck hose beds help save lives when designed and used properly.

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We’ve designed some new size for the hose beds up on top of the rigs, including the following sizes.  The 17″ new size goes side to side, while the 76″ wide nets go front to back.  Each net is equipped with heavy duty snap hooks to attach to our heavy duty D-ring anchors, along with cams/snaps for adjustability.  We can design configuration you want.




We’ve been designing custom cargo nets for fire departments all over the country for decades.  Here’s what we’ve found:

Fire departments that use trucks with hoses on top usually don’t have anything to restrain the hoses inside the hose bed area.  You’d think that having a cargo net over the hose bed would interfere with their ability to quickly remove the hose from the hose bed in order to fight a fire.

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The hoses are typically pulled out from the back of the vehicle, so here’s what we did.  We designed cargo nets to be quickly jerked out of the back of the hose bed area without having to remove or unhook any cargo net.

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In other words, the cargo nets on fire truck hose bed areas never move once their installed.  They stay in place.  We sew on a couple of heavy steel rings to hang over the back of the fire truck which they just flip up when removing the hose.  Then all they have to do is jerk out the hose from the back.

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The cargo nets installed over the hose bed area will keep the hose from flying out during a rough drive or bumpy ride, saving lives and making their firefighting experience more efficient.

Need a custom cargo net for your fire truck hose bed?  Give us a call and we’ll start working on one for you.

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