How to Build Strong Quality Relationships via Customer Service

How to build quality and long lasting relationships via unparalleled customer service is a challenge that many people are faced with when they run an automotive aftermarket accessory resale business or any business for that matter.  Our customer service is unique because we’ve been doing it for so long and we started off in manufacturing, so we know what to look for.  We also know what customers think, how they think and how to keep them at ease regarding a transaction for their truck which is like a family member that demands it’s treated with respect and care.

The Ford F350 6’9” Bed with Truxedo Hard Roll Up Cover & Adarac Contour Truck Rack Combo is a one of a kind match up that has to be mentioned and is a perfect example of how to double check your work.  It’s one of the nicest looking combos once you get it installed properly.  It was a tight fit according to the customer.

Customer Service For Truck Parts
Truxedo sentry ct & adarac contour

Rarely in this industry do we see customers who actually take it upon themselves to do the legwork when it comes to actually nailing down exactly what they want on their trucks like our friend Jesse out of Granite Bay, California.  He’s originally from the mountains of Pennsylvania, so he’s not unfamiliar with pickups.  Talk about ‘customer service’, from the customer that is~!

Jesse has a 2015 Ford F350 with a 6’9” bed.  He wanted a hard roll up cover that worked in conjunction with a rack that enabled him to use his stake pockets.  He told me which products he wanted and we nailed down part #’s for his truck.

Regarding the Truxedo hard roll up cover, I called and spoke to Truxedo.  I was concerned about the stake pockets being covered by the roll up.  They said the cover would only go over the rail a quarter inch (1/4”) and that there should be enough room.  We took her name & number and logged what she told us.

We checked the stake pockets on his truck and they started about 3/8” or maybe a little bit more over from the inside of the top of the rail.  I knew it was going to be a tight fit.  We kept our fingers crossed.

Ford F350
Nice tight fit

Once the parts were shipped, I advised Jesse of what was available now and what was on backorder and kept him apprised of the tracking for each part.  He indicated he really wanted at least the hard roll up cover for his Memorial Day trip.  It got delivered in time.  Then when he got back from his trip, the rack was delivered.  Now that’s customer service~!

Here is the response we got back from Jesse after he mounted the rack:

“Thanks!.  She was a real bear getting installed, but I’m real happy with the results”

Customer Install
Happy customer

Moral of the story is this.  Never let your guard down when purchasing anything for anybody.  Always check to make sure things are going to work together, especially if from different manufacturers.  If you can, see it for yourself on your customer’s truck as I did, and always speak directly to the manufacturers and take notes regarding each unique situation.  It makes the transaction seamless and your customer relationships stronger and longer lasting and it gives you that peace of mind knowing you did everything you could to ensure a smooth transaction.

Need something for your truck that’s not on the site?  No problem, email us or give us a shout and let us know what you’re looking for.  We take that extra time to research it with you.  Not everything can be done online.  Sometimes you need a little human interaction, follow up, texts, emails and phone calls.  Keep it real people and you’ll come out on top~!

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