Cargo Net Sales, the Pandemic and What People I Sell to Say About the Future
Cargo Net sales during the pandemic have tanked, mainly because nobody’s working, but that doesn’t mean they don’t want to. “We won’t be purchasing any of those nets until November”, one of my customers told me. Funny he said November, isn’t it? He would have purchased normally in April & July another 400 cargo nets that this company uses in their vans for cargo on the interior shelves. They’ve been buying these particular nets for over 10 years almost every 3 months, and now their orders are almost non-existent.

He didn’t need to say it, but I could tell in his voice that when he said “November”, what he actually meant was that “After the election, we’ll hopefully be buying another large quantity of cargo nets.” If you read between the lines what that means is that if the economy gets back to normal, we’ll be buying more. That to me, as a small business owner specializing in cargo net sales, is very scary. Will I still be in business after the election? There’s an easy way to say it, but I don’t want to be political. It’s time to start looking for alternate methods of supporting the dream. If this country goes sideways, we’ll definitely be downsizing and probably leaving California and possibly the USA while we keep what we can running.

Another customer told me that they weren’t forecasting any cargo net sales until the end of July, the end of September and the end of October. On these orders, our job is to purchase the custom metal frames per their specifications, then make the netting that fits on the metal frames, assemble the little cargo nets to the frames, and ship them to our customer who then installs them permanently on their vehicles that clean the floors of school gymnasiums nationwide. They are a huge company and our biggest client for cargo nets sales. We were doing around 100K in sales per year with them when the scamdemic hit. Now, their sales have pretty much been cut in half, at least.

I’ve been working out of my home for almost 20 years reselling automotive aftermarket products, designing custom cargo management systems, custom cargo nets and the like. We pretty much sell it all, and we’ve had such good luck with our sales over the years, that we really never needed to add a ton of products to our site. I preferred to keep it small, in order to spend as much time with my family as possible. Glad I did. It will make it easier when we decide what to do, after the election.
I have faith that good will conquer evil in this situation. If you look at what’s going on, it’s all a setup to try to force us into something that we don’t want. I doubt seriously it will succeed. These types of cultural revolutions always fail. I see my company’s cargo net sales skyrocketing after the November election. I see the kids going back to school and there quickly being a vaccine, regardless of what happens with this stupid election. We will get back to normal, it’s just going to take a bit more of time. Don’t give up quite yet~!

We are Americans, and we will survive this, just like we always do. And we will come out on top, just like we always do. Moving? Need a cargo net to hold your cargo down? Give us a call, we do it all~!
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