China Made Coronavirus Destroys Pickup Truck Cargo Net Sales
How the China made Coronavirus Destroys Pickup Truck Cargo Net sales for our product the CargoCatch Pickup Truck Bed Organizer is not a difficult question to answer, but it goes way beyond what’s happened to me and my little product development business. Let me put this into perspective for you.

The Made in China mark is done, especially after the Coronavirus/Covid-19. China will most likely have a very difficult time recovering. This is a blessing in disguise for the United States. Now, finally, we can get away from dependence on China, especially for medical supplies and hell, all of it. When we first came out with the CargoCatch, the Chinese were there at the SEMA show in Vegas in 2005 taking pictures of my product. Then, they copied it. Surely not only have they sent tons of fake copies here for sale, but they’ve probably shipped them to many countries without my consent or knowledge. We are going to over time start removing Made in China products from our website, and we will eventually start manufacturing the CargoCatch again here in the USA. Honestly, depending on how things go, we don’t think China deserves to manufacture our product anymore after what they’ve done, but that’s not up to us, it’s up to the company that we’ve contracted with, but that may change, we’ll see.
Let’s face it, if you buy a product Made in China, chances are, some little kid getting paid slave wages made it. Not to mention, and not all the time is this true under all circumstances, but in general, you’re contributing to the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) if you do.
Our product, the CargoCatch pickup truck bed organizer, is Made in China and has been for well over a decade. Honestly, I just thought to myself before, that, ‘oh well, I can’t afford to make it here in the U.S.A., but at least I’ll be making some money if it’s Made in China’. I know a lot of businesses feel this way, but it’s time to put profits aside and put people’s lives and the life of this country first, because China could care less about us Americans. They are expert pick pockets and they’ve sent plenty of diseases this way over the years that we just don’t need, honestly.
When I was making custom made cargo nets for pickup trucks, I was making them right in my garage in San Diego. I bought my way into the automotive aftermarket industry as a product developer by spending too much to make my product, while selling it for less than it had cost me to make. Then, I licensed my patent, negotiated a contract for the life of the product, not just the patent. We continue to sell them today, but they’re Made in China. Actually a great product, and it will go down in history as one of the best quality products China ever manufactured, but I’m afraid the majority of all pickup truck owners in the USA will say no now to most Chinese made products, and there are many. In the end, we will kill the Coronavirus here in the USA and worldwide, then the acceptance and anger will set in, both in individual minds and in the mind of the US government, I hope.
Whether or not we send another purchase order (PO) to China is up to demand at this point, but I’m confident it will peter out over time. And in reality, like I said, this may very well be a blessing in disguise as we wake up to the reality of a totalitarian regime and the harm it can cause, possibly deliberately, in taking us down, not just with some deadly virus that got loose on accident or otherwise, but with their cheap products designed to take our minds away, far far away, from what China really is, as they send their CCP lieutenants to study in our prestigious universities because some corrupt educator sees dollar signs, margaritas and China dolls by the pool in his daydreams.
I think it’s time for China to pay. I suggest you don’t buy my Made in China products anymore while they will be slowly taken off the site as demand decreases and current stock runs out or gets shipped back anyway. I suggest you don’t buy anymore products Made in China, period. As a matter of fact, I suggest you educate all your impulsive friends and family to the negative aspects of feeding a communist regime like China. We’ve all been doing it for decades now, not really thinking about the long term harm that it would do, the harm it’s done, and the harm it will continue to do if we continue to let ourselves be taken for a ride on the Chinese tiger.
A Brett Young country song reminds me of China and the Coronavirus. “We go fallin’ off the wagon, got ourselves a real bad habit, girl you got me actin’ like an addict, all messed up, no matter what, you know I just gotta have it, even though it winds up tragic, tonight whatever happens, happens, and tomorrow, we’ll get back on the wagon…” We fell off the wagon, and it’s time to get back on, forever people. It’s tomorrow.
China isn’t just killing us with plastic crap and viruses, they’re inadvertently making us kill ourselves from the inside out. After we buy their products, we attempt to assemble them or use them. They’re missing parts, have manufacturing defects or just plain break after one or two uses. This stresses us out big time as Americans. We as Americans have this sick, impulsive nature to buy crap, and we’ve now been passing it on to our kids for generations, and it stops here. If you can get it cheap, and you can get it, buy it. If your kid wants it and you can buy it for him or her to shut them up, do it. We as Americans have lost all sense of challenge, as China makes it so easy for us. We’ve been living a party for way too many decades. Time to grab the bull by the horns, pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and get a grip on reality, check yourself, and prepare your children for the battles of the future, or your seed will get flushed down the toilet of evolution and will be lost forever.
After all the World Wars, Korea and Vietnam (who were we fighting again and for what reasons?), a lot of us (most likely your parents and/or grandparents), got sick and tired of fighting these wars, and it was time to party, get rich and relax for a bit after escaping Europe and fighting Communism worldwide. We’ve been partying for way too long, while others have been plotting and succeeding at killing us and teaching their children to kill us.
If we don’t start teaching our kids that it’s not anymore about getting educated, having a great career, falling in love, having some babies, going on vacation, spoiling ourselves with weekend bbq’s and enjoying our golden years on our investments and 401K’s. It’s about getting educated, having pride in your country, weeding out those who want to harm us from the inside, falling in love with the idea of protecting, cherishing and shutting down our borders from suspect and uneducated peoples from everywhere, enjoying a vacation now and then and spoiling ourselves with security and long lasting assuredness that our grandkids can live with and pass on to theirs. Wanna do business with us? Get vetted and get on Skype or pick up the phone. If you want to visit your family, great, get vetted and we’ll arrange for you to come, then go home. Otherwise, we’re shutting down shop.
We as Americans can overcome anything, including the Coronavirus. And as far as I’m concerned, the Coronavirus has not destroyed my product or my business, because we’ll always make it here for profit or just for our neighbor’s truck. It may very well have destroyed it being manufactured in China, but it’s been a blessing to myself and all Americans when it comes to most of the garbage they ship over here. It’s helped bring all my previous suspicions to a head as well, about a lot of stuff, including people in general, and how they treat others.
Not too long ago I had an old friend who was laughing at me for being concerned for obvious reasons about Typhus and other diseases spreading in SF and LA and the need to quarantine the homeless and clean up our streets. Now he’s living in the middle of it in the Bay Area with the Coronavirus. Not laughing anymore, are you buddy? It’s funny how karma works. People spend too much time on social media and have become desensitized to what’s really important in life.
Chinese plastic is garbage and will end up in the garbage then our landfills. We are an environmentally concerned nation we here in the good old USA and have been for a long time, unlike some of our friends in the media claim. China is a totalitarian regime that murders people and enslaves children. We’ve fallen prey to their ethnic selfishness, greed and worthless ego. And most of all, we’ve fallen prey to their ‘it’s like giving candy to a baby’ profit centralized weaponry as they laugh behind our backs about how much they’ve ripped us off, coaxing American companies to come on over and make a ton of cash, when all they’re really doing is pushing garbage on our people as they, our people, suffer the consequences of our companies’ own actions by purchasing crap while they profit, it’s really sick stuff. And I’m sorry to all Americans if I’ve played a small part in that as a manufacturer/product developer. I’ve still played a part and it’s time for a moment of clarity in this country. Time for the left wing media to stop lying to the American people. Time for us to be united and to stand up for what and who we are, American Patriots. It will take some time to heal, but I’m confident, that if we can educate our brainwashed youth, we will be stronger than ever for this.
A product Made in China: It’s gonna break most likely someday now or shortly thereafter and make you go find your keys, the receipt, drive down to the gas station so you can go return the product to WalMart or wherever you bought it, get pissed because you have to wait in line to return it, while it jacks up your blood pressure, your medical bills and stunts your growth and your life. That’s what the Chinese want. That’s what they push, right under your Christmas tree and into your kids’ beds.
Get a grip on reality and get American~! We will immediately start taking down any products that are Made in China (we have to do a lot of 301 re-directs which will take a bit of time). We also have to run out of stock in China first. If we were to just stop immediately, we would lose a lot and we need to be responsible when it comes to disassociating ourselves, and I speak for many businesses in the same situation. If it destroys our business, at least it will also contribute to destroying what is now destroying us, China. Do the right thing. Stop buying Chinese made products~!!!
Don’t just get American, live American. Fly that flag with pride, because the day will soon come, when you will be known for who you are. You’ll either be known as an uneducated whiner who cries about being a victim all the time, or a patriot and a warrior who teaches and wants to fight for what is ours, freedom, no matter the color of your skin or what you preach or practice. We are all Americans, start acting like it. If you don’t, you will surely pay~!!!
Billy Graham – CargoCatch Current