Custom cargo net barriers are needed on San Francisco city buses because of drug use and human feces.
My friend called me, really needing a custom cargo net, from San Francisco where he drives a city bus and needs to possibly outfit the bus with a custom cargo net that can cordon off certain clients that are simply out of control and abusing that city’s public transportation system, using them to shoot up/smoke drugs and to drink. The drivers are basically told not to confront anybody unless somebody else complains about it. So, that gives the street folks who have a full bottle, a meth pipe or a loaded needle an opportunity to hop on for the ride of their lives in the now brown city of San Francisco, while the civilians suffer through vile acts of debauchery, at your expense no less, and I’m not talking yet about the politicians like Jerry Brownose or old Nancy Pelosi stealing your tax money. The following image was provided by ‘lookinup76’ in Ohio, we hope he or she doesn’t mind us using his or her pics, as we haven’t had the pleasure. We specialize in custom cargo net designs for many different applications, but this has taken us to a whole new level in design and we are lacking live photos of products in their environment because of health risk.

One such example was told to us by the bus driver himself, we’ll call him Mr S, our friendly bus driver in beautiful browntown SF. He called me this afternoon and told me the story when I realized he may desperately need some custom cargo net designs for his bus, in order to cordon off a certain area in the back in case of a scare, spill or other incident where he may need to keep other clients away from an area temporarily while he gets to a safe spot to call either the cops/poop/puke/Hazmat team, whatever, as he sure as hell isn’t gettin’ anywhere near that crap, pun intended.
Bottom line, San Francisco has turned into a complete and utter dump. I wouldn’t send my worst employees there and I’ll never go there again, just to drive right on through. The place is a petri dish of festering dysentery and you’re next. Stay away, far, far away…if you can. I know you’re biting your nails to know what happened, so, without further ado, here we go. And our highest regards go out to Mr. S., as he battles in the battle of our lives.
Mr S. called me and gave me the scoop on the poop. This lady gets on his bus, goes to the back and starts at the bottle. She was making some kind of fuss in the back, not many people on board. She sits down and starts swigging away, then opens the window and tosses out a bag of garbage onto the street. My friend, the driver, Mr. S, stops the bus, looks back and asks her to knock it off. She says “Do you want me to get out and pick it up?”…he says “No, I want you to stop littering.” She starts babbling some crap and says something like “you’re lucky I don’t stab you”. At this point he gets up, stands in a defensive position, and gets ready for her to pull out a gun or knife as she fumbles through her purse while she’s turned around. He tells her to get off the bus or the cops will come and escort her off. She fumbles around in her bag some more, apparently, with her back to him, then he sees something on the ground near her that looks like fecal matter, as she finishes squeezing out the feces of her colostomy bag onto the floor of the bus. She then says “clean that up” to him and exits the bus, leaving the other innocent clients speechless, and about to puke. Mr S. is left with clients on his bus, and liquid feces on his bus floor. He’s not cleaning it up that’s for damn sure. He has to get everybody off the bus safely to pick up another bus nearby, as he calls in to have somebody bring in a toxicity team to assess the feces damage that was deliberately strewn on a public bus floor, just out of spite. Now, these guys need a custom cargo net for every bus in the city~!!!

Mr S. told me that he’s been instructed by the bureaucrats that basically run the whole scam that he is not supposed to be confronting anybody on the bus if nobody else is complaining about them. That was when we realized that he needs some custom cargo net option to possibly either designate an area for bums, users & dealers so they don’t infect the regular folk with their feces stained jeans and horrid tasting body smell, or at worst a colostomy spill. Not to mention the piles of needles he finds in the back. I suggested he install the nets at the back, have everybody else leave their windows closed, then open the windows in the back of the bus behind the cargo nets to see if that will ‘hide’ the smell and/or bums, if not, open all the windows and let ‘er ride. It’s kind of a party area really for them. They already do it and the politicians and police don’t enforce drug use and drinking on buses (not to mention safety is never a concern), so at least give them a relatively private area to shoot up in. We have some cargo nets that are made of a rip stop mesh fabric that is semi water proof, they can line the party area in the back with these nets even on the floor, put some puke and feces soaking towels under the nets, and they’ll be good to go, it’ll save the city a ton of money in toxic cleanups and lawsuits.
So, the bums and druggies use this so-called ‘etiquette of the street’ run by Nancy Pelosi and her cronies to fuel their need for a semi-private space to shoot up, drink, smoke meth, what have you. And if the drivers are not supposed to confront crime, just to let it go, the cops don’t have time, whatever, they are stuck dealing with it and all the diarrhea that comes along with it, so let’s get some custom made cargo nets in there and get this ‘shituation’ under control. We can also make some heavy duty straps so they can really crank that shit down.
This is San Francisco. This is Nancy Pelosi’s district. She should be ashamed of herself and should resign. While this embarrassing bag dump goes on down the street from her mansion with a wall around it, she sucks down anti-psychotic meds and eats surf & turf at the local hotspot, not far from where the feces runs into the Bay to feed her lobsters. This is just sick people, it’s gone way too far with these worthless Democrats in control in my beautiful state. They are all about power and using your money to enrich themselves and they could care less about the streets of San Francisco, which used to be so much fun. And this is only the beginning of this dog and pony show. California politicians should be “quaking in their boots”, as Geraldo Rivera said about Comey, Clapper and Brennan, cause we’re a comin’ for ya~!!!
You know, I grew up near San Francisco, and I’ll tell you me boy, thank the God Almighty Lord that I don’t live in that area anymore (and I’m not even religious). The Bay Area in general has turned into an evolutionary bog where all the greedy inhabitants are fighting for the pond water as they waste away in the tech hellhole, with exception of a few of good old boys I know there trying to do the right thing like Mr. S. Anytime I drive up north I try to stay away. The place is full of sickos from out of state just backstabbing each other and living a life of drug fueled nonsense as they spread disease and loser philosophies. The pharmacies there must be booming with medical prescriptions being handed out like candy. While surfer Joe rides the waves of insanity he’s collecting cash monthly off disability and shooting up in SF while choking down feces infected lobster. And all the immigrants who can’t read or write? They go to the doctor for free, get free prescriptions filled for painkillers, then they sell the pills on the street for 100% profit and no taxes paid. Sounds like a pretty good gig to me. Come on over to California, we’ll pay for all your stuff, no worries~!!! And the toilet paper is free in SF~!!! Just make sure you get the recyclable kind that doesn’t hurt the environment…yeah…whatever….
So, what to do about Mr. S’s fecal matter issue on public buses in San Francisco? I strongly suggest that he use what we call a Browntown Custom Cargo Net. It’s constructed of heavy duty fecal soaking material that is spread evenly throughout the body of the net, he can lay it down on the floor and direct the pukers and ODers to defecate and puke on the BCN (Browntown cargo net) so it minimizes the time that the Hazmat team has to clean up shop. This will result in less billing hours for the poop line item on most city invoices and will keep Mr. S. from blowing cookies while driving as it minimizes the wind blown taste inhaled and the saturated nastiness of rancid fecal excrement that is breathed into every set of lungs in the area, which doesn’t mean you’re just smelling it, you’re actually tasting it and it’s molecules are creeping into your blood, you idiot, bring the Plague closer and closer to assimilating itself into the main population’s veins and spreading like wildfire, killing millions.
Jesus H Christ on a popsicle stick, are you freaking serious? (and my name’s Billy Graham). This is turned into a real shit show in San Francisco. Honestly, I didn’t know whether to claim this article as a concerning piece or a comedy show…cause let’s face it, it has a bit of both, ain’t that sad people?
Get a grip California and start thinking about where you want your grandkids to grow and thrive? If it’s here in my beautiful state, you better start changing what you believe in, cause this shit is following its trail, downhill, into the water where you fish, fast. Good luck to you all if you need a custom cargo net for whatever situation you have to deal with, give us a call, we do it all, and we’re sorry for the sarcasm and comical references, but honestly, if you’re a human, and you see this, something has to be done and let’s admit to ourselves one thing. California is controlled by Democrats, they are failing us big time. Wake up and smell the feces California and change your ways, and your vote~!!!.
CargoCatch Current