TruckVault custom truck boxes help the fight against drug runners, human traffickers and cartel gang bangers at the Southern border. Don’t tell me there’s not an illegal immigrant crisis at the border, I’ve been living in Southern California for the last 30+ years, and I’ve seen it all change so much. If you’re in law enforcement, live near the border, have children near the border, or do anything near Mexico at all, you best have a pickup truck, some heavy duty gear, and a TruckVault box to hold your weapons and keep them safe and easily accessible should a firefight break out, regardless of who you are and where you are. The peeps coming up from the Southern border, it’s a whole new crew. You don’t have migrant workers anymore, it’s an all out disaster because of the influx of Central American migrants, primarily families, fleeing the violence and cartel/drug activity from the South. Not to mention the fact that they know from social media that we are shutting down shop, and this may be their last chance to come up or face civil war where they come from. South America’s not too much better. Argentina is turning into a Venezuela, and we all know what’s happening there. You really need to have lived in Central or South America to really understand the type of person that is coming up here. They come from another culture, and the criminal element is high. Somebody who you think could be your best friend will rob you blind. I know, I lived in Paraguay for over a year. My wife is from South America and my kids are half Latin, so go ahead, call me a racist. I love people from down South I don’t care where they’re from, but if you don’t think we have a problem, go talk to somebody who has lost a family member to an illegal criminal. And take the time to learn how to speak Spanish, because most people from down south who are legal here are just as concerned.

Thirty years ago, it was a different situation. You had migrants coming up to the border states looking for work, and possibly a great future for their families here and abroad. Hell, I used to manage a pub in college at UCSB on Pardall right near campus. We sold hamburgers and beer. There were a lot of Mexicans who didn’t really speak much English, but they were hard workers and they all played soccer on local city teams. My buddies and I had a team, and we all worked together, so sometimes we played all together, the white boys vs. the boys from down South. We weren’t racial with each other, we all pretty much respected each other. Sure, we joked around about whatever, but we all worked together, and even sometimes had a beer together after work. Now, it’s a freaking free for all and some politicians just don’t care about the average American, they just want votes, regardless of the cost. They are now the enemy of the people. If we have no accountability and respect for the law, we have no country. This is why we must and will, shut it down and do it legally people, wake up to reality.

Our CBP Border Protection Agents, Police and special tactical units and now the everyday American need to protect themselves and be prepared. You would not believe how many calls we get for the TruckVault option from government entities, police related organizations and just good old pickup truck owners who live down there, they’re all getting robbed and their daughters assaulted. Smell the tacos and stop living your CNN fake news life, get with the cold hard facts and buy yourself a TruckVault system today. Whether it’s a simple front door shotgun lock for your home or a fully dialed in police vehicle with multiple boxes to hold your pistols, rifles, ammo, drones and grenades, don’t wait till it’s too late. Give us a call now. Just provide us your longest rifle measurement, what you think you might need, your year, make and model of vehicle, and we’ll take care of the rest. Every order is custom.

TruckVault makes boxes that are fireproof, bomb proof, extremely resilient under a barrage of different environmental conditions, easy to access, good looking, and most importantly, TruckVault custom boxes provide a simple level of security that at the same time enhances our law enforcement’s ability to approach a situation like a firefight, strategically and efficiently, thus maximizing the survivability of an attack by cartel members with heavy weaponry. This happens on a daily basis. Let me share a little story with you.
I had quoted out 4 boxes for ICE here in California. We went through all the technical stuff about their specific measurement needs to fit their long guns, etc…we had the material down. All 4 trucks had been accounted for. They approved the quote and we processed the order through government funding. When time came to actually order the boxes, they purchased 3 of 4 boxes. I asked them what happened to that little truck you guys wanted a box for? Their response was simple, without emotion and they even laughed about it and said “oh yeah, that guy got into a hi-speed chase with some bad guys and crashed his truck, he won’t be needing that box anymore”. So you see, these guys laugh it off. While you sit around watching cry baby talk shows all day long, some guy is chasing armed freaks in the desert, just so you can have your talk show and go on some eating binge. Wake up America~!!!
Regardless of your political fight, leave that at the border. If you are inside a border state, your chances of having your family robbed and/or assaulted is much higher now with these ridiculous laws we currently have on the books, which I understand are in the works of being changed, we can only hope. We live in one of the highest rent districts in California, right on the beautiful beach here in Carpinteria. Sometimes I look out my office window and see families on vacation getting out their gear to go surfing. Sometimes I look out and see a family lost and looking for food. Sometimes, we see groups of illegal men walking with a mission, crime. It’s a disaster.
Stop wasting time and get with the program. We’re all living on the front lines these days. If you don’t already have one, get a pickup or an SUV and start customizing it to handle any situation, wherever you are.
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