Truck Bed Disposable Wrap Cover Acts as Temporary Truck Cover

When you think of a wrap on a vehicle you think about for example a truck wrap that will decorate the truck with marketing material. In this case, we’re talking about a wrap that covers the bed and temporarily acts as a cover to restrain almost any cargo you can imagine hauling in your pickup truck bed.  The idea is similar to using saran wrap to wrap over a glass bowl to cover up uneaten jello, nice and tight.  We give you a revolutionary truck bed disposable wrap cover that acts as a temporary truck cover.

One day when Michael was off to college, he packed up the bed of his grandpa’s pickup truck and all of a sudden it started pouring rain. Michael’s inventive brain starting turning and BOOM, the Bedder Covers Truck Bed Wrap Cover was born.


If you don’t want to invest in a truck bed cover, soft or hard, and you need to move stuff quick, even tall cargo like a sofa or refrigerator, tie that baby down however you need to and give it a wrap with the Truck Bed Wrap Cover. Just wrap it, flap it and clap it down and you’re on the road, guaranteed to keep your stuff dry and tightly wrapped like leftovers.


The Truck Bed Wrap Cover is a one-time use, flexible and weather resistant truck bed cover that adheres naturally to the side of the truck without leaving any residue or affecting your paint. It’s an inexpensive option for less than $40 compared to spending hundreds or thousands on a truck cover, and can be shipped to you in just a few days.

Beginning from the back of the truck bed, make sure you overlap the layers and seal the seams down firmly with your hands. Cut out the tail lights with the optional slitter available. Be sure to tuck the last layer down over the top of the truck bed so that wind does not catch underneath the wrap allowing moisture or dust into the bed area.

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