Get a FREE CargoCatch with Minimum Purchase of Truck Cargo Nets

Get a FREE CargoCatch with Minimum Purchase of Truck Cargo Nets~!


For a limited time, until April 15th, 2016, we are offering a free Cargo Catch cargo management system to anybody or any company who makes a minimum purchase of at least $750 worth of truck cargo nets, custom cargo nets or any combination of the two.  In addition, if you refer somebody to us for cargo nets and they spend $750 or more on cargo nets, we’ll ship you a free catch for your medium or full size pickup truck.  We are also offering free shipping on any quantity of our Gladiator 4×8’ Utility Truck Net, perfect for service body trucks and similar vehicles.  Happy St. Patrick’s Day to all you Irishmen out there~!

The CargoCatch is a custom cargo net bag made with hook and loop (Velcro) and sewn loops used to thread heavy duty shower rod type cargo bars through which then mount by friction to your pickup truck bed rail or just under the rail, providing an easily mountable and removable light weight truck tool box, if you will.

If you need to mount the unit under the rail because you have some sort of truck cover on your bed whose mounting hardware will not allow you to mount the catch in the desired location in the bed, you can mount the rods just under the rail, on whatever flat, hard surface, and if need be, you can install on your own sticky back rubber pads or Velcro pads to rest the rods directly on, or above, the small sticky piece you attach to your truck bed wall.

The Cargo Catch is perfect for just about anybody who uses a pickup truck because it weighs less than 10 lbs and can be quickly installed and removed in seconds, whether or not you have a cover. It holds hundreds of pounds of items from shifting in the rear of the truck if needed and mounted properly, and can be used as a cargo gate by mounting it slightly away from the cab, filling it up, then using the open space between the back of the CargoCatch and the cab to stash more of your stuff.  It can be mounted anywhere in the bed, either just near the cab, or the tailgate, in addition it can be mounted in between the wheel wells.

Have questions about the CargoCatch or any other products we sell? Email us or call us today for a free quote.  We also offer free engineering drawings on all custom cargo nets.

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