Maybe I’m falling behind the times or working too hard, but I just turned on the news and they were showing a drone that weighs about 20 pounds, hovering, while at the same time firing rounds at a target, talking about how terrorists will use drones to attack here at home within the next 18 months. I thought to myself, “I’m thinking about Mobilegeddon and the recent changes in internet marketing and how I can make a pickup truck owner more satisfied with his ride, and now I have to worry about my daughters being taken out by a flying toy while walking to school?” There’s something seriously wrong here people.
After the recent attacks here in this country, it’s official, everybody is at war. Not just the military. We are now breeding soldiers without doing it deliberately.” What a concept. I guess the Obama administration is way ahead of me, because they’re already suggesting by their actions that people can have more children and that they’ll pay for it, or rather, I’ll pay for it. I guess we need more soldiers for WWD (World War of Drones), coming to a city near you~!
Here in California, home of the Old West where people used to work for a living, you get free money, free medical care and scholarships for your kids at top schools if you don’t work, while our military shrinks and Iran celebrates the failures of ‘American negotiators’. Those who do work pay up the rear, get reamed with high medical costs while their kids go to bottom of the barrel public schools where young lives are administered by people who can’t spell, won’t look you in the eye and who vote for the ‘Everything Free Party’. However, we keep working because we believe in the American spirit, which is sick and dying right in front of our eyes.

Times have changed drastically during my lifetime and I’m pretty sick about it, so I guess the only rehab that makes any sense is to spend my days protecting my family and helping others protect their own using their pickup trucks. I’m not worried about North Korean soldiers or ISIS babies with bombs strapped to their chests coming to kill us anymore. Now, it’s those damn pesty drones that will soon be buzzing around trying to take me out, from some freaking wifi cave, piloted by some high as a kite lazy ass hash smoking gun toting psychotic with a laptop and a grudge.
Funny world, isn’t it? We have radical Islamic terrorists wasting their lives away passionately believing in some sick fantasy that they can come over here and take us all out, while I’m sitting in my office designing custom cargo nets and other pickup truck accessories that most people use for road safety or fun, not to survive some God forsaken drone attack.
I guess things need to change around here. We need to start designing products with local warfare in mind. Have a safe day and let us know if you need anything in particular for your pickup trucks~! And visit us on your cell phone or tablet in between drone attacks, we’re mobile friendly now~!
CargoCatch Current