Imagine this. You own a towing company. Your driver is called out to a lot to pick up and tow a vehicle. Your driver arrives. He lifts up the vehicle in order to tow it. He waits to strap in the front tires to the towing system until just before he moves the truck or the vehicle. All of sudden, the police arrive. They claim he’s moved the vehicle without strapping in the tires to the tow system. They take photos and issue your driver and your towing company a ticket for $1500.00.
Well, this is exactly what happened to a company and driver in Chicago not too long ago. What the cops did not know, was that the towing company had installed in all of their trucks a MGC (Motor Guardian Camera) system, which provides not only audio and video surveillance 24/7 with a time and date stamp, but also has a GPS tracking feature. These two features, the 24/7 recorded and backed up video, coupled with the GPS, proved beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the driver never ever moved that truck after lifting up the vehicle prior to tow.
The law in Chicago states clearly that the tires must be strapped in before moving the vehicle in a forward position. The driver of that tow truck was properly trained by his company and was completely abiding by all local laws. The cops were hungry to meet their quota. They blatantly lied in order to meet it. The towing company won in court. Those cops lost their cool and paid for it big time.
The MGC (Motor Guardian Camera) system is something that many companies just cannot live without these days. Not only is it saving lives, but it’s saving companies hundreds of thousands of dollars if not more in liabilities.
Not only can this top of the line vehicle camera system save you and your company time and money, but it is very reasonably priced. Sure, you can buy a camera system from Amazon or another website for a couple hundred bucks, but after a year or so it’s probably going to bust, then who are you going to call, Amazon tech support in India? Good Luck~!!
The MGC vehicle automatic event recorder system is not readily available on the internet. As we are a custom truck accessory company, many of the products we support are not available on our internet site. But we do support this product and can handle any needs you may have, so please call us to discuss more about this product. Not only can we provide you with top notch technical support, but we can have a rep come to your physical location to demo the product for you, go over pricing and of course provide technical support, which is only a phone call away.
The example we used above is only a taste of what this system can do for you and your company. Back of the book is that the MGC system handles a heck of a lot more than you think:
GPS tracking Data Review Software – Video, Speed, Time and Location
Reduce Your Liability & Risk – documents incidents, vehicle surveillance 24/7
Procurement of Images, Storage & Protection of evidence for Safety & Security
Vehicle Automatic Event Recorder – for commercial vehicles
For Commercial Applications we have the ADR-3311 which is an Event Video Recorder (EVR) with 2-channel video (front windshield/rear windshield) and 1-channel audio. If the vehicle is involved in a collision, sudden braking or acceleration, or similar event, the data is automatically protected, indexed, and stored for review on the removable 32GB SD card. This saved data can then be analyzed using MGC’s T-Eye Review Dashboard which will show location on the map, video, audio, vehicle speed, acceleration, and direction.
The ADR-3311 equips one front camera and one separate rear camera for video recording. It has a built in GPS antenna, G-Sensor, and an LCD to show device status and current time/speed. Audio chimes let the operator know that the system is operational.
For more information including consumer products, resources, technical support or to place an order, please call us for special pricing at the number below, or visit and mentioned you read about the product on
CargoCatch Current